What to Expect When You Have Braces

What to Expect When You Have Braces

A team of professionals at an orthodontic practice can attest that braces are an excellent way to straighten teeth, repair bite problems, improve your smile, and even increase your self-esteem. However, to achieve the best possible outcome, patients should do specific things to ensure that their braces remain in good working condition. Knowing what to expect can put you ahead of the game.

Once braces are firmly attached to your teeth, you will likely experience a period of adjustment for up to a week or so. During that time, you may have minor speaking challenges and issues closing your lips completely. You may experience soreness in your teeth, gums, and cheeks as well. 

If you experience discomfort from a specific bracket, apply a bit of orthodontic wax. You can typically get orthodontic wax from your orthodontic professional or a local pharmacy. The wax can help to prevent excessive rubbing that can lead to sores until your mouth can adjust.

Teeth May Feel Loosened

Orthodontic straightening of the teeth involves moving them into their correct positions. As the teeth shift, they may feel loose in your mouth. Some patients may notice that their teeth are slightly loose throughout treatment. This is completely normal. The teeth will become tightly secured in your jaw once your braces are removed. If you have a concern about an overly loose tooth, schedule a visit with an orthodontist so they can ensure your treatment is progressing normally.

Brackets and Wires May Break

You may still experience a broken bracket or wire, even if you avoid specific foods and brush and floss your teeth regularly. If a bracket becomes loose, you can stabilize it with a bit of orthodontic wax. This can prevent a complete loss of the bracket or having it rub against your gums, cheeks, or lips. If a wire breaks, you can manually press the end back into its desired location with your finger or a pencil eraser. Then, put some orthodontic wax on the wire’s broken end to prevent mouth injuries. Once the orthodontic appliances are secured, schedule an appointment to have your braces repaired.

Losing an Orthodontic Band

The orthodontic bands that work with your braces can become loose as the teeth move and shift. This is perfectly normal, as well. A loose band may be problematic, however. Remove a loose band with tweezers if possible and put it in a clean plastic bag until your next scheduled orthodontic appointment. Or, you can call and schedule an appointment to have the band replaced. 

Dealing With Residual Soreness

Braces need to be adjusted periodically. After adjustments, you may experience some discomfort or soreness. Over-the-counter pain relievers may help. Try to choose soft foods for the first day or two after an adjustment. And remember to apply orthodontic wax if anything rubs, scratches, or scrapes. 

If you’re considering getting braces for either yourself or your child, an orthodontist will be happy to answer any questions you have. An orthodontist in the Orange County, CA area, like one at John Redmond Orthodontics. can develop an individualized treatment plan for you using cutting-edge technologies. Call an experienced orthodontist to set up an initial consultation today.