What Does An Orthodontist Do?

If you are looking to straighten your teeth or correct your bite, it may be time to contact an Orange County, CA orthodontist. They can help improve the look of your smile and help you feel more confident about your appearance.

What is an Orthodontist?

An orthodontist is a specialized dental professional who diagnoses and treats misaligned teeth and jaws. They specialize in the  field of orthodontics, which includes braces, aligners, and other orthodontic appliances to straighten teeth and fix bites.

What services do orthodontists offer?

Orthodontists offer a variety of services to help patients achieve beautiful smiles, such as:

  • Braces: Traditional braces are made of metal or ceramic brackets that are attached to the teeth and connected by wires. These devices gradually shift teeth into their proper positions, helping achieve a straighter smile.
  • Invisalign: Invisalign is a clear aligner system that is an alternative for those who don’t want traditional metal braces. These aligners are clear and custom-made for each patient to gradually move teeth into their proper positions.
  • Other appliances: Orthodontists from John Redmond Orthodontics may also offer other orthodontic appliances, like headgear or expanders, to correct dental irregularities.

What are the benefits of seeing an orthodontist?

There are several benefits to seeing an orthodontist, such as:

  • Expertise: Orthodontists are dental specialists who have completed additional training beyond dental school to become experts in orthodontics.
  • Personalized treatment: Orthodontists offer personalized treatment plans that are tailored to each patient’s individual needs and goals.
  • State-of-the-art technology: Orthodontists utilize modern technology and techniques to provide the best possible care to their patients.
  • Convenience: There are many orthodontists in the Orange County area, so it is very possible to find a provider close to home or work.

How do I choose an orthodontist?

There are many orthodontists, so choosing one may seem overwhelming. It is wise to consider multiple factors, like:

  • Education and training: Look for an orthodontist who has completed additional training in orthodontics and is board-certified.
  • Experience: Consider the orthodontist’s experience in treating patients with similar orthodontic needs to yours.
  • Technology: Look for an orthodontist who uses state-of-the-art technology and techniques to provide the best possible care.
  • Reviews and referrals: Read reviews from other patients and ask for referrals from family and friends who have had positive experiences with orthodontists.

How long does orthodontic treatment take?

If you are thinking about orthodontics, you might wonder how long the treatment will last. The truth is that the length of orthodontic treatment depends on the severity of the dental irregularities and the type of treatment used. However, the majority of orthodontic treatments take between 18 and 24 months.

How much does orthodontic treatment cost?

Cost is another factor people think about when choosing orthodontic treatment. They may worry that they can’t afford the treatment. The cost of orthodontic treatment varies depending on several factors, such as the type of treatment used and the severity of the dental irregularities. The good news is that many orthodontists offer payment plans and financing.

Schedule an appointment with a qualified orthodontist today.