Tips For Preparing Your Kid For Braces


You may have known this day was coming for years: your child may have crooked teeth, may have an overbite problem, or may have other dental issues that you knew required an orthodontist’s help. If you are preparing to take your child in to get braces, they may have hesitations. Whether you have a younger child or a teenager, you may need to get them as ready as possible for the idea that they will have braces. They may be concerned about how they will be able to eat their favorite foods or what their peers will think. While it is easy for parents to know that the end result will be worth it, it may be harder for your kids to see that far ahead. 

  • Let them ask questions. Any and all questions should be welcome. While you know what’s best for them and their health, your child may view this as something that could ruin their social status and make life harder. They may want to know how long they will need braces, what they can eat, and how they should take care of them. Let them come to you with questions and be prepared to sit down with your orthodontist, like an orthodontist like Dr. John Redmond Orthodontics to become comfortable with the idea of braces. 
  • Get food ready. When your child gets braces on for the first time, their teeth will likely be sore. There is a lot of movement in the mouth all of a sudden and your child may feel uncomfortable. When this is the case, be prepared with soups, pasta, and potatoes. Treats like ice cream can be special and help to soothe the soreness. 
  • Work with them on their oral hygiene. Speak with the orthodontist ahead of time to learn how your child’s oral hygiene will need to change. Braces can make keeping your child’s teeth clean a challenge, so be prepared with tips and tricks that will help your child out. Your orthodontist may recommend certain tools to help get under and around the braces. 
  • Talk with your child about the benefits. When you’re a kid or a teenager, thinking about the positive results in the future can be downright impossible. It can feel like the only thing that matters is how you look and feel right now. While you should not diminish how they feel, talk with them about small milestones. Talk with them about their goals and how they want to look. Braces are not weird, uncommon, or strange! Many kids end up needing to get braces and they likely already have peers who have them or will need them. This is a temporary thing for long-lasting results. 

This is a huge, life-changing experience for your child and having the right orthodontist is critical for understanding what your child is going through, what they need, and how to make this situation as comfortable as possible for your child. Reach out to a local orthodontist residents trust to learn more about preparing your child for braces.