Orthodontics Orange County, CA

Orange County, CA Orthodontics

Keeping track of your dental health is just as important as monitoring your general physical health. If you have pain in your jaw, misaligned teeth or other related issues, an experienced orthodontist can help you achieve the smile that you have always wanted. Orthodontists are dentists that specialize in disorders that affect the jaw. They offer many services from braces to treatment for conditions like temporomandibular (TMJ) issues. See a qualified and trained orthodontist now if you have a jaw issue so that you can receive the necessary treatment.   

The caring and professional team at John Redmond Orthodontics has been helping patients achieve their best smile for many years. They bring years of experience, utilizing the latest technology and treatments to help patients improve their dental health. Whether you are searching for the right braces for you or need a special orthodontic treatment for a jaw issue, Dr. John Redmond can take care of all your needs. 

orthodontist Orange County, CA
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    What An Orthodontist Does

    The field of orthodontics is a specialty within dentistry that involves the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of irregularities affecting the jaw. An Orange County, CA orthodontist finishes additional years of schooling so that they can accurately correct a variety of jaw issues in patients of different ages using various treatments and procedures. In addition to providing treatment, they can educate patients about how to preserve their dental health and prevent general dental issues like tooth decay, infections and more.

    Dental Issues an Orthodontist Can Treat

    Orthodontics is distinct from general dentistry because treatment focuses on restoring alignment in the jaw and the patient’s bite. Common services that an orthodontist typically provides is:

    • Misalignment: When teeth are misaligned, it can affect a patient’s bite. This can be fixed using braces. There are many types of braces. Whether you are looking for traditional metal braces or clear braces that are invisible or conform to your teeth, there are many options that you can choose from. 
    • Overbite or underbite: An improper bite like an overbite or underbite can affect a patient’s ability to chew or lead to jaw pain or gum disease. Bites are fixed using treatments like braces or surgery to remove certain teeth. It may take months or several years to fix a bite issue. 
    • Closing gaps within teeth: Gaps between teeth are usually a cosmetic issue. For some patients, a gap can contribute to lower self-esteem or confidence. There are many ways to fix a gap, such as crowns, veneers, bonding or braces.   
    • Overcrowded teeth: When there are too many teeth in one location, it can cause jaw pain. An orthodontist often uses braces to fix overcrowding. Retainers help to keep teeth in place so that they don’t move around. 
    • TMJ: A TMJ issue can cause pain and clicking, such as during chewing. Orthodontists can fix a TMJ issue through non-invasive methods such as braces or a night guard. 

    Preparing To See An Orthodontist After A Few Years

    Not everyone goes to the dentist regularly, let alone their orthodontist. While it is recommended that a person gets a dental checkup and cleaning every 6 months, it can be easy for some to simply choose not to see the dentist or continue pushing off their dental visit until they are dealing with a toothache or pain. When you start experiencing a toothache, it can already mean that there is significant damage to the tooth, gum, or surrounding teeth. This is one of the reasons it is important to get regular dental checkups and why you should take recommendations to see your orthodontist seriously. 

    What Should I Expect At The Orthodontist When I Have Been Avoiding Going?

    If you have seen your dentist and they have been telling you that it is time for more serious dental work to get done, this can be an easy “no” for you. Many people are more worried about visiting an orthodontist than a dentist and they are worried that the price of visiting an orthodontist will break the bank. Here are a few things you should expect when you get to your orthodontist’s office. 


    Is there a set time for braces? 

    When you are hoping to begin treatment that involves braces or Invisalign, you may be thinking that the average time is around a year and a half. However, there is no set time for how long a person should wear braces and it will depend entirely on the individual and their teeth. 


    Will I get my treatment plan started immediately? 

    Not necessarily. Especially for those who are coming in with more serious problems, you can expect that your orthodontist is going to want a thorough medical and dental background, will want to take images of your teeth, and will need the time to devise a plan for how your treatment should go. 


    Should I plan to pay for my treatment upfront? 

    Especially because the work that happens at orthodontists’ offices tends to be much more in-depth than the kind of treatment you get at your typical dentist’s office, you can usually expect the cost to be much higher. What you pay will depend on the treatment you need and the length of treatment. Your insurance plan will also have specific treatments that they pay for and you should speak with the front desk to discuss what kind of payment plans they have available or what kind of discounts they might have for paying upfront. 


    Will An Orthodontist Make Me Feel Bad For Not Getting Treatment Sooner?

    It is not an orthodontist’s job to make you feel bad if you were not able (or chose not) to get treatment sooner. They may let you know that your treatment might have looked different if you had gotten it sooner, but it is their job to make you comfortable when you get in the office and provide you with the options that lay ahead of you. 

    Maintain Your Oral Health 

    Don’t ignore jaw issues that can affect your dental health. Schedule an appointment at John Redmond Orthodontics to speak with us about orthodontics Orange County, CA residents rely on. 

    5 Common Myths of Orthodontia

    For prospective patients seeking orthodontic treatment, many considerations must be made, and considering orthodontics Orange County, CA residents recommend can be an excellent place to understand the treatment needed. It is no surprise that when patients learn they need care from an orthodontic specialist, the cost associated with treatment can be overwhelming. However, treatment is imperative, and putting off orthodontic care can cause numerous problems when delayed. In addition to these concerns, several questions and considerations will need to be made. There are several myths surrounding this form of dental care, and John Redmond Orthodontics is available to provide consultation and treatment and dispel the common myths associated with orthodontia. 

    Orthodontics Is Only Cosmetic

    Treatment from an orthodontist can deliver a beautiful smile, straighten the teeth and improve upon imperfections. For many who struggle with self-esteem issues because of their smile, cosmetic improvements can go a long way for a person’s confidence. However, it’s important to note that this is only one advantage. Orthodontics has other essential functions that, when not corrected, can cause severe problems for a patient’s oral care. Treatment not only straightens teeth but also fixes issues with the bite, misalignment, and more. 

    Braces Are the Only Answer

    When a person comes in with oral issues that warrant consultation with Orange County orthodontics professionals, they can understand the full scope of options available. Traditional metal braces are not the only form of treatment available to patients. Depending upon the issue, alternative options such as retainers, headgear, and aligners, like Invisalign, may be available. 

    Orthodontics Requires Extensive Treatment

    Some people will indeed require extensive treatment to adjust misalignments which could include surgical procedures and considerable time wearing braces. Despite this, it’s important to note that this isn’t the case for most patients. On average, patients who need braces wear them for about two years. At times, this may be shorter or longer, depending upon the patient’s specific needs.  

    I Don’t Need to See a Specialist

    When the time comes for braces, you may wonder whether it’s possible to seek treatment from your dentist. While, in some cases, this may be possible, patients may not gain access to the resources that an orthodontist has available to them. While a dentist may be able to receive this type of training through workshops, they may not have the extensive training that an orthodontist has. To practice Orange County Orthodontics, an orthodontist must undergo a rigorous 2-3 year residency program focusing on orthodontic treatment. Because of this, choosing an experienced orthodontist may be the best option to ensure you receive up-to-date, customized care to meet your specific needs. 

    Metal Braces Are the Only Option

    The thought of wearing metal braces may not be the right choice for a patient, especially for older adults needing treatment. There are other options available that may be less obvious than traditional metal braces. Depending upon the treatment recommendations, a patient may choose ceramic braces, which have brackets made from tooth-colored ceramics instead of conventional stainless steel, or aligners like Invisalign, which are clear plastic trays that can be worn over the teeth. 

    John Redmond Orthodontics can help you correct misalignments and achieve a healthy smile, schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more!

    What can I expect at my appointment for braces?

    The first consultation is often one where an orthodontist will answer questions, discuss finances, perform an initial examination, take x-rays and provide treatment recommendations for moving forward. The next appointment may be an hour or more. Keep in mind that an orthodontist may install braces throughout a few appointments. 

    Most people don’t give their teeth much thought until they experience a problem that causes them issues. It’s important to note that while many dental issues may not cause immediate problems, putting them off can result in more significant and even emergencies down the road. An Orange County orthodontics practice, such as John Redmond Orthodontics, will share that if braces have been recommended, it’s essential not to delay and begin developing a treatment plan with your orthodontist as soon as possible.

    Symptoms of Orthodontic Conditions

    Orthodontic conditions refer to issues related to the alignment and positioning of teeth and jaws. Recognizing the symptoms of these conditions can help individuals seek timely orthodontic care. One common symptom is crooked or misaligned teeth. This can lead to difficulties in chewing, cleaning teeth properly, and even impact self-esteem. Another symptom is gaps between teeth, which can affect speech and aesthetics.

    Overbites and underbites are also prevalent orthodontic issues. An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower front teeth, while an underbite is characterized by the lower front teeth protruding beyond the upper front teeth. These conditions can lead to difficulties in biting and jaw discomfort. Crowded teeth, where there’s not enough space for all teeth to fit properly, can also cause oral hygiene challenges and increase the risk of cavities and gum disease.

    Questions to Ask an Orthodontist

    When you consult with an orthodontist, it becomes vital to pose the appropriate questions that enable a comprehensive grasp of your treatment alternatives and the suggested course of action. Among the pivotal inquiries are those that address the nature of your orthodontic concerns and the array of available treatment avenues. It’s equally important to ascertain the projected duration of the treatment and the anticipated outcomes. Understanding the potential advantages and disadvantages associated with the proposed treatment is key. Gaining clarity about the financial aspect is crucial, encompassing queries about the treatment costs, potential inclusion of follow-up appointments, and the necessity of retainers in the process.

    Preventing Orthodontic Issues

    While some orthodontic conditions are hereditary, there are steps individuals can take to minimize the risk of developing such issues:

    • Regular Dental Checkups: Visiting a dentist for regular checkups can help identify orthodontic issues early on and prevent their progression.
    • Early Intervention: Children should have an orthodontic evaluation by age 7. Early detection of problems can lead to less invasive and shorter treatment.
    • Maintaining Oral Hygiene: Good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, which can exacerbate orthodontic issues.
    • Healthy Diet: A diet rich in nutrients, low in sugary foods, and high in fruits and vegetables can promote strong teeth and gums.
    • Avoiding Bad Habits: Thumb-sucking, nail-biting, and using teeth to open bottles or packaging can contribute to misalignment and should be avoided.

    Types of Jaw Problems Orthodontists Treat

    Orthodontists possess the expertise to tackle a range of jaw-related conditions, encompassing malocclusions such as overbites, underbites, and crossbites which involve misalignments of the teeth and jaws. They also address Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD) characterized by jaw pain, clicking sounds during mouth movement, and restricted mouth opening. Issues like open bites, where the upper and lower front teeth fail to meet when the mouth is shut, affecting speech and biting, and protruding jaws that impact both function and appearance can be effectively addressed through orthodontic interventions.

    Orthodontic conditions can significantly impact oral health, appearance, and overall well-being. Recognizing the symptoms, asking informed questions when consulting an orthodontist, adopting preventive measures, and understanding the types of jaw problems that orthodontists treat can empower individuals to make well-informed decisions about their oral health and seek timely treatment when needed.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Wearing Braces

    Orange County, CA orthodontics may be necessary for patients experiencing misaligned teeth, overbites or underbites, overcrowded teeth, or jaw issues. While it may be evident that treatment through braces will be necessary for many, it may surprise others. In most cases, the American Dental Association recommends that children see an orthodontist as early as seven years old so that they can begin to assess the need for braces. Early intervention is vital for several reasons. It allows families and adults to start planning for treatment and can assist in correcting issues before they become a more significant problem. Delaying or forgoing treatment can be problematic as it can cause issues to worsen over time, resulting in more serious problems. John Redmond Orthodontics knows that wearing braces is an often dreaded commitment. However, orthodontia plays a crucial role in correcting issues and helping people achieve healthy smiles. 

    The following are frequently asked questions patients often have regarding orthodontic treatment with braces:

    What options for braces are available?

    Many patients consult with an orthodontist for treatment, and the first type of braces that come to mind are the traditional metal braces. However, many may need to be made aware that several different types of braces are on the market today. Commonly available braces are:

    • Invisalign
    • Metal Braces
    • Lingual Braces
    • Ceramic Braces

    While there are options, it will be necessary to speak with an orthodontist like those available at Orange County orthodontics to determine which braces are best suited based on treatment needs.

    Will a retainer be necessary after the braces are removed?

    Yes, retainers are imperative after braces are removed for several reasons. While braces are worn, they move teeth or correct misalignments over time. When braces are removed, without retainers, teeth may shift back to their original form. Retainers keep teeth set after a person has endured the treatment they received from braces. Initially, the retainer will need to be worn at all times, but it may be possible after some time to reduce the length of time retainers must be worn. 

    How often will I need to go to the orthodontist while wearing braces?

    Typically patients wearing braces will need to be seen by an orthodontist every 4-8 weeks. Treatments can vary depending on whether a patient is wearing aligners or more traditional braces. The orthodontist will monitor progress at these appointments to see how the treatment progresses. In addition, the orthodontist may provide new aligner trays or tighten braces. 

    Is wearing braces painful?

    Wearing braces isn’t entirely pain-free, as often discomfort can be associated with treatment. There are solutions for managing pain and discomfort, such as taking over-the-counter pain medications, oral anesthetics, orthodontic wax, etc. However, in many cases, discomfort often comes after the first appointment and when braces are tightened. 

    Contact Us Today

    At John Redmond Orthodontics in Orange County, CA, we have consistently demonstrated our commitment to delivering exceptional orthodontic care. Our team’s dedication to using advanced techniques and personalized treatment plans ensures that each of our patients achieves a healthy, beautiful smile. We take pride in our welcoming environment and our ability to cater to the unique needs of individuals in our community. Trusting us with your orthodontic care means choosing a path to a brighter, more confident smile, backed by the expertise and compassionate care that John Redmond Orthodontics is known for.

    Client Review

    “So glad this John Redmond was recommended to us for our two teenagers braces. Super friendly staff, clean office, great prices, and great with military families. We’ve been coming here for almost two years and only good experiences! My kids love the extra touch of a homemade cookie as they leave.” Nagasiva Kumar Client Review