10 Dental Symptoms That Are Signs of Early Dental Problems

10 Dental Symptoms That Are Signs of Early Dental Problems

Many adults ignore health problems and put off going to the dentist or orthodontist. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, getting it taken care of sooner than later is better for your health.

  1. Toothache – minor tooth pain doesn’t necessarily mean an emergency visit to the dentist, but it could mean you have a cavity or impacted tooth. Make an appointment to prevent losing the tooth.

  2. Tooth sensitivity – if you experience pain when you drink something hot or cold, it’s likely that you have sensitive teeth. It could be worn tooth enamel, exposed tooth roots or tooth decay. If a sensitive toothpaste doesn’t help, see your dentist for professional treatment.

  3. Bad breath – persistent bad breath isn’t caused by what you eat, but by bacteria in your mouth. It could be a sign of gum disease or tooth decay.

  4. Bleeding gums – when your gums bleed when you brush or floss, it’s an early sign of gum disease. The sooner you address the issue with your dentist, the more reversible it is.

  5. Dry mouth – saliva is your body’s defense against tooth decay. Dry mouth is often a side effect of medications. Your dentist can help you find ways to restore moisture in your mouth to protect your teeth while taking the medication you need.

  6. Cracked or broken tooth – if you chip a tooth or have pain when chewing, you should see your dentist right away. Some cracks aren’t visible to the naked eye. Chips to your teeth may not be painful but can cause bigger problems when left untreated.

  7. Mouth sores – if a sore on the mouth lasts for more than a week, you should probably get it checked out.

  8. Jaw pain – if your jaw clicks or pops, or you have pain in the jaw, an orthodontist in Rancho Mission Viejo, CA like one at John Redmond Orthodontics can help determine if the pain is from arthritis, TMJ, sinus issues, or tooth problems.

  9. Infection at an oral piercing site – your mouth is full of bacteria that can cause a piercing to become infected. If the site swells or you have signs of an infection, such as pain, fever, or chills, contact your dentist or healthcare provider right away.

  10. Stained teeth – although discolored teeth are usually the result of drinking coffee or smoking, it can be from other things, such as medications, aging, or injury to the tooth. Ask your dentist to diagnose the cause and offer treatment options.

Don’t Ignore Dental Issues

Your oral health affects your entire well-being. See your dentist twice a year and when you experience minor symptoms that could turn into something worse.